In any case, I didn't really have any food related content prepped for today (which is weird considering I never finished posting about Taiwan), so I figured I'd make a post about a folder of images I happened to stumble across on my computer.
So it should be totally obvious from the 'abcdefucku' hat that Taiwanese people often have a poor grasp of the English language. My sister and I had a lengthy conversation about this, and we ultimately concluded that no one is shameless/stupid enough to wear that proudly if it weren't a joke. Curiously enough I came across this gem at a street market. The Chinese is correct, so it's not like they're unaware of the content written on the flip flops. Sigh, I shamefully admit I bought a pair of these for my dad. As far as I know, he still hasn't worn them to this day.
Another example of poor taste/confusion. This is actually the name of a clothing store next to 西門町. No clue who chose the name, but did they honestly think a store named as such would attract customers? I'm just gonna chalk this up to another case of, 'We have no clue what it means, but we hear it all the time.' Namefail.
Imagine the look on everyone else's face when I was snapping this photo in the airport. Apparently, I'm helping the environment by standing closer to the urinal. Who knew? I actually have more of these pictures, but I didn't want to make this post a giant picture thread so I'll end it here.
Oh yeah... so for 2010... direction of MyInnerFatty. Hopefully a return to more NYC posting, more catching up on Taipei posting (ideally before I go back again next year), more cycling, less building bikes, and grad school updates (hopefully good ones).