The plum juice, as served in Taiwan, is actually something that came over from China, or more specifically Northern China (Beijing etc.). It's essentially plums that have been left to dry, and if you're Asian, you've probably had 酸梅 (sour plums) by itself, which is then brewed into a thick concentrate. The concentrate has only 2 parts, plums and sugar. The sugar is a necessity given how sour the unflavored juice is (unless you like your face permanently puckered). When served, it's ladled into a bowl or cup and diluted with ice water and ice cubes to a desired consistency. The end result? A remarkably refreshing drink that also causes you to pee like mad later on. All joking aside, it's like lemonade on steroids (in terms of effect), it will quench your thirst after a single cup. The one I got at 'Park Number,' again... a literal translation, is pretty famous in Taipei. For 20 NT (60 cents) if you sit in, or 25 NT (75 cents) for takeout, you get a mildly sweet, and incredibly sour drink that should last you a good 15-20 minutes. Last piece of advice... let the ice melt, it'll mellow out the taste.
No running lately. I've become lazy and have overslept everyday for the past week. I did however play basketball though (if that can be considered cross training). Here's looking forward to riding century rides around Manhattan. I have to find some sort of positive about leaving paradise don't I? Edit: felt a bit lazy and did a sprint run up the mountain path behind my work place... 2.19 miles up, 2.19 miles down. Then I followed up with 3 bowls of shaved ice. Makes my run entirely worthless no?
distance for the day: 4.38 miles
distance biked for the day: 0.00 miles
distance on the year: 453.16 miles
distance biked on the year: 142.68 miles